Villa Park Civic Association

Recent and Upcoming Events

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Your VPCA holds annual events and special events! 

Villa Park Upcoming Events

Saturday, October 31
Check in 11:30 Tennis Courts
See details in the flyer below:

Halloween Flyer 2009

Past Events

Annual Baazar/Craft Show
Saturday, October 24
We have finalized the date for our 2nd Annual Bazaar and are holding it this year in the basement of St. Anthony’s RC Church on Olden Avenue.   It will be on Saturday  October 24.  If interested in getting a table as a seller, please email  The price will be the same as last year at $15.00.  Fliers are going out this week so look for them in your mailbox.  There are still tables left so if you’re interested please phone or email.  We will have teenagers there to help carry your items into the church and advertising will be done for the event so we’re hoping for a good turnout.


National Night Out!
Tuesday, August 4
6 pm
Villa Park

Those of you who have been to these in the past few years know how many of our neighbors turn out for a fun evening of food, music and kids' activities.  If you haven't been, this is your year!  This is the 26th annual event, and we in Villa Park have been celebrating with our local police and emergency personnel for about 5 years now.  We had about 200 people last year, and expect more this year.  Our president, Marilyn King, has booked the DJ and the water slide for kids.  And as always the grill will be turning out hamburgers and hotdogs non-stop. 
Please contact Marilyn King or Sharon Kubiak if you'd like to volunteer
or have items to donate.

To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.