Villa Park Civic Association

Become a Member

Who We Are
Business Members & Supporters
Recent and Upcoming Events
Community Bulletin Board
Photos and Memorabilia
Become a Member
Useful Documents
Meeting Minutes
Important Web Links
Contact Us



HOUSHOLD MEMBERSHIP - $20 (covers everyone in your household)
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP - $15 (per person)

Do I have to become a member?

No.  As a resident/homeowner of Villa Park, you may: 

·         Attend monthly meetings of the Villa Park Civic Association

·         Attend events sponsored by the Association

·         Receive information via mail and email regarding the community and its events.


Then why should I become a member?

As a resident/homeowner of Villa Park, the Civic Association benefits you by:

·         Enhancing the quality of life in Villa Park

·         Promoting a cohesive community of residents, businesses and institutions

·         Preserving the neighborhood's unique historic character. 


The Villa Park Civic Association can represent the entire community helping to bring issues of policing, crime, neighborhood conflicts, street and parking issues, etc. to government officials who will listen and do something to help. 


Your membership money helps us pay bills and communicate with all the community’s residents via flyers, announcements, posters, mailings, etc.  You get a lot for a giving a little.  Join Today!  And consider volunteering too!

Remember - your new or renewed membership for the 2008-2009 year is due in August! 
BUT You must be a member to VOTE!